Sports Premium

The Government has given every Primary School funding to develop Physical Education, School Sports and  Physical Activity (PESSPA).In our school we are using this funding by working with the Pennine Sports Partnership, Legacy Sport and the  Youth Sports Trust  to:

  • Increase the amount of competition sport in which our children participate. 
  • Make links with local community-based  sports providers. 
  • Provide extra-curricular sporting activities.
  • Encourage children to develop leadership skills.
  • Include ALL children in sport, regardless of individual needs or barriers.

 We also collaborate with PE and sports specialist teachers and coaches, who  work alongside class teachers in lessons. In this way, our children will gain new skills and experiences and teachers will learn new techniques and knowledge to aid them in teaching sport and PE.


Click below to see how we spend our premium 

2022 - 23

2023 - 24 Evaluated